“I want to be a sissy!” Well this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about someone who says they want to be a sissy.
We know all about your little fantasies that involve you sneaking on a pair of panties and secretly feeling feminine all day long. Of course there are the sissies that like to wait till they are home so they can slip into some sexy thongs and get themselves getting all girly.
But then there are those of you who try to fight the fact that you want to be a sissy even though you know those urges are not going to go away. You simply need training from one of us sexy mistresses. We know just how to handle a sissy bitch like you. The things we can teach you are endless.
Let’s look at a few of the topics we could cover:
- Panty Wearing
- Makeup Tutorials
- Dildo Training
- Cocksucker Skills
- How to Become a Cum Junky
Now don’t those sound appealing to a wannabe sissy? We thought so too. So whenever your ready to take the journey down your path to sissy-hood just get in touch with one of us dommes – they’ll be sure to take good care of you.
I want to find a mistress and become trained and cock dumb
You ready?
I want to be sissy
iwant to became slave for you
Please teach me the best and hottest Sissy to be that I can.
Thank you
I want, no need to be a slave.
I can’t get enough of the sissy porn images, gifs, hypno’s .
I’m a 25 year old man and I want nothing more than to become a little sissy
Please , please help me
My email to help my would be master